B.C. coastal residents hire lawyers as battle against shipbreaking operation intensifies – BC

Descrease article font size Increase article font size Residents of communities on the Central East Coast of Vancouver Island have now hired lawyers in their battle against a controversial shipbreaking operation on their coastline. Residents of Baynes Sound, south of Courtenay, have been fighting the business that dismantles derelict ships on the shore of the…

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Oil spill in Kerch Strait after two Russian oil tankers seriously damaged in storm – National

Descrease article font size Increase article font size Two Russian oil tankers have been seriously damaged following a storm in the Kerch Strait, spilling oil and sparking an emergency rescue operation, Russian officials told state news outlets Sunday. Some reports said at least one of the vessels later sank. The Volgoneft-212 tanker, which was carrying…

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